Take care of yourself with Identités !
    • Lumba Plus
    • Lumba Plus
    • Lumba Plus
    • Lumba Plus

    Lumba Plus

    • A recognised stretching device
    • Presentation and use video available below
    See detailed description
    Download the product sheet

    • The Lumba Plus uses the neuro-spinal decompression technique recognised by INSERM, practised in an osteopathic practice, which aims to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or on the nerves of the spinal column. It is a treatment increasingly used in the treatment of back pain (pinched sciatic nerve, pinched disc, scoliosis, compression of the vertebrae or lumbago).

      Foldable device.

      Dimensions in use: width 55 x depth 83 x height. 106 cm high.

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      64.90 € incl. VAT

    • Backpain


      59.90 € incl. VAT

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    For more than 15 years, Identités has been offering solutions to improve the comfort and independence of the elderly and disabled.

    • ZA Pôle 49
      Boulevard de la Chanterie
      49124 Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
    • (33) 2 41 96 18 48