Take care of yourself with Identités !
  • Direct Supplier Delivery
    • Sur-matelas massant et chauffant à mettre sur matelas existant
    • Sur-matelas avec programme de massage
    • Matelas de massage en visco-élastique
    • Sur-matelas massant et chauffant à mettre sur matelas existant
    • Sur-matelas avec programme de massage
    • Matelas de massage en visco-élastique

    Heated massage mattress overlay

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    Download the product sheet

    • With the same design as the full mattress, this mattress overlay fits over your existing mattress. A combination of visco-elastic foam and 3D fabric maintains correct spinal alignment. Equipped with 16 high-tech vibromotors capable of massaging the neck, lumbar region, back and legs.

      5 automatic programmes, 3 intensity levels and lumbar heat.
      3D Deluxe fabric facilitates air circulation and regulates temperature and humidity.
      LCD remote control for massage and heat functions.
      Equipped with an electromagnetic earthing ball.
      Choice of 4 sizes.

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    • Body massage mattress

      Body massage mattress

      115.00 € incl. VAT

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    For more than 15 years, Identités has been offering solutions to improve the comfort and independence of the elderly and disabled.

    • ZA Pôle 49
      Boulevard de la Chanterie
      49124 Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
    • (33) 2 41 96 18 48